What to Look for in an IV Workflow Management System
Adopting an IV workflow management system (IV-WMS) helps pharmacies mitigate risk by allowing them to detect drug compounding errors before they reach the patient, potentially saving lives. As of 2020, 33% of hospital pharmacies have adopted IV workflow automation, a significant increase from only 8% of pharmacies in[...]
In Recent Guidance, FDA aims for Patient Safety at 503B Facilities
The FDA has issued a guidance to 503B facilities regarding Current Good Manufacturing Practice (gCMB)
Control Patient Safety with Assure-Trak® IV Workflow Management
At ConsortiEX, we work diligently to create solutions designed specifically for the unique needs of health system pharmacies. The result is our Assure-Trak® IV Workflow Management Dynamic Patient Specific Compounding application a dynamically configurable IV Workflow solution to enhance patient safety and optimize[...]
Address Quality Control, Re-insourcing CSP Production with a Central Fill Model
Today, cost and quality issues surrounding compounded sterile preparations (CSP’s) have nearly every major health system investigating what it takes to re-insource production. Most are looking at a hub and spoke approach, where their central-fill Batch Compounding can support the CSP production needs of all the[...]