ConsortiEX Blog

Utilizing a Compounding Management System to Support Emergency Response

Managing COVID-19 With the Assure-Trak® Compounding Management System

With the national rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine already underway, healthcare facilities nationwide are being faced with the challenge of balancing safety, documentation, and efficiency, in their protocols for vaccine distribution.

ConsortiEX Will be Attending ASHP Midyear!

The ConsortiEX family is currently ramping up for the 2019 ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, but we want to take a moment to thank all of our customers for their continued partnership on our journey to improve patient outcomes, and in securing the pharmaceutical supply chain. We remain committed to providing health care[...]

6 Best Practices to Help Achieve DSCSA Compliance

Many hospitals struggle to achieve optimal compliance with the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA). The challenge to comply seems to come from an incomplete or inaccurate understanding of the regulations, which is understandable given the Act’s complexity. DSCSA was put in place to protect consumers from harmful[...]

DSCSA Compliance as a Service: T3 Verification

ConsortiEX is proud to announce T3 verification, the newest feature to be added to our DSCSA Compliance as a Service (CaaS) module. The T3 Verification process gives pharmacies maximum visibility to all T3 transactions, both electronic and paper, received by their pharmacy.

ConsortiEX ASHP Midyear Recap, Prioritizing Patient Safety

We want to thank everybody who came to visit our booth at this year’s ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exhibition. We always appreciate the opportunity to show off our products to the people who need them most.

Take Control of Patient Safety and Quality Control with InsightRX

Just last week, ConsortiEX proudly announced our new InsightRX Passive Audit Monitoring module.

Be Compliant with Confidence, DSCSA Compliance as a Service

Understanding the rules and regulations behind DSCSA Compliance can be a daunting task. As deadlines pass, the FDA regularly updates what it means to be compliant. ConsortiEX is proud to offer DSCSA Compliance as a Service (CaaS). Our CaaS module removes the burden of being compliant from the dispenser community with[...]

Address Quality Control, Re-insourcing CSP Production with a Central Fill Model

Today, cost and quality issues surrounding compounded sterile preparations (CSP’s) have nearly every major health system investigating what it takes to re-insource production. Most are looking at a hub and spoke approach, where their central-fill Batch Compounding can support the CSP production needs of all the[...]

Thanks for stopping by the ConsortiEX booth to discover the power of our Pharmacy-Focused ERP.

We want to thank everybody who came to visit our booth at this year’s ASHP Summer Meetings & Exhibition.

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