ConsortiEX Soars to Support Dream Flights, and US Veterans


MILWAUKEE -- For many, flying in a plane can be a nerve-wracking experience. In fact, 1 in 6 people reports a fear so severe that it prevents them from flying entirely. But, for a handful of local Wisconsin Veterans, flying in an open-cockpit Stearman Biplane remained a lifelong dream. A dream they would soon achieve thanks to Dream Flights.

Dream Flights is a non-profit organization that honors military veterans and seniors with a chance to fly in a Boeing-Stearman Biplane. Their hope is that this experience inspires them to share the stories and teachings that their service afforded them.Passing along the importance of public service and community involvement, whether big or small, to future generations.

Brad Schnell speaks with a Veteran Flier, as they get ready for their turn to ride.

ConsortiEX System Engineer, Bradley Schnell, volunteers with Dream Flights, and several other aviation organizations across Wisconsin, sharing his knowledge and experience with future aviators and curious colleagues alike.

Amongst his many endeavors, Schnell finds his time spent with Dream Flights invaluable, adding “When I volunteered for my first Dream Flights event, I wasn't aware of how deeply it would impact me. When you become a pilot one of the unspoken responsibilities you have is to be a steward of aviation. I've always taken the responsibility seriously.  Aviation is a special gift that we, as pilots, have the opportunity to share. To give this gift and share aviation, with our senior veterans specifically, is as good as it gets. In my experience as a crew chief and volunteer for Dream Flights, I have never seen a dream flier come back from their flight without the biggest smile on their face. Our fliers and veterans have given us so much through their service and sacrifice. Making these memories with them and their families is the least that we can do to show our gratitude and to honor them.”

ConsortiEX has volunteered with a number of organizations over the years, including Habitat for Humanity, The Wisconsin Hunger Task Force, the Milwaukee Parks Department, and more. From home building to trash cleanup, boxing meals for seniors to lending a helping hand at local schools, and everything in-between, we love supporting our community in every way we can.

To learn more about Dream Flights, click here. To look for volunteer opportunities in your local area, check here!


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