ConsortiEX Blog

Managing COVID-19 With the Assure-Trak® Compounding Management System

Written by Brandon Hartman | Jan 13, 2021 8:45:00 PM

With the national rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine already underway, healthcare facilities nationwide are being faced with the challenge of balancing safety, documentation, and efficiency, in their protocols for  vaccine distribution.

ConsortiEX's Assure-Trak® Compounding Management System can be an invaluable tool in maximizing the safety and efficiency of your vaccine distribution, in thanks to its many features, including:

  1. Ingredient Bar-Code Scanning: 100% ingredient verification on all components used in the preparation, including optional tracking of materials.

  2. Auto-Labeling: Build new label templates with no IT involvement. New templates can be used immediately following pharmacy approval, freeing up your staff and removing the risk of human error. Industry compliant labels that meet your hospitals protocols (e.g. ISMP and ASTM guidance) on every dose.

  3. Technology Assisted Workflow Manager: Remove the burden of manually tracking each step of your workflow with a standardized, repeatable, automated process that ensures control, quality and minimizing waste.

  4. Electronic Batch Record: Automatically document each step in the preparation and approval process, and account for every ingredient while standardizing workflow, creating an easily accessible single source of truth for auditing and process improvement

  5. Many more…

Assure-Trak®, the trusted Compounding Management System in top healthcare facilities nationwide, is highly configurable, and gives you the freedom to implement workflows that are tailored to your specific needs. 

For more information on how the Assure-Trak® Compounding Management System can support your facilities vaccination distribution, contact us.